How To Install VS Code - Newbie Edition
For my tech newbies that have no absolute where codes are written, come closer let me whisper it to you. Codes are written in IDEs (Integrated Development Environment). They are software where you can write and run your codes. Examples of IDEs include sublime and Visual Studio Code - VS Code for short.
VS Code is an IDE developed by Microsoft to enable developers, software engineers and other code-related career techies write their codes, run them and efficiently use it for version control.
It is very popular among developers as it’s the standard industry IDE. However, that doesn’t limit you from using other IDEs.
This article is a how-to guide to help you with the installation processes. Ensure you don’t skip a step and follow it keenly.
For Windows
1. Visit
2. Select your preferred OS i.e. MacOS, Windows, Linux and click on download.
3. After it has been downloaded, check your download for the folder and click on the (VSCodeUserSetup-{version}.exe) and install it.
4. After installation, a pop-up window will appear. Click Finish
5. Open the application from your desktop or download folder.
6. You’re good to go!
For MacOS
1. Follow steps 1-3
2. After installing, drag the VS Code icon to your applications folder then it will appear in your Launchpad.
3. You’re good to go!
If you followed through all the steps and successfully installed VS Code, know that you’re now a step closer to becoming a World class developer/engineer 🥂.